DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL17.52

Authors: Bengi Sonyel, Mohammad Khaleel Sallam Maaitah


Nowadays, computers are the main parts of any organization whether it is in an educational field or related to any other subject. Computing education is one of the most significant subject in Cyprus. Considering the structure of the education system in Cyprus, which is centralized, it is corrupted. The major goal of education is to deliver the information in the most influential way/s to learners. Collaborative learning can be one of the learning methods that can be applied to achieve this goal. Therefore, this study aims to examine the Master of Arts (M.A) and Master of Science (M.Sc) students’ perceptions on the effective use of online collaborative learning. Mixed approach has been used both qualitative and quantitative to collect the necessary data. Authors had conducted the research with 136 master students from three different departments at Eastern Mediterranean University in Cyprus. The first set of data consists of 44 master students from the Information Technology Department, the second 49 master students from the Education Department and finally 43 master students from the Pharmacy Department. The results show that while the students from different departments have a different level of experience on online collaborative learning, they all stressed the significance of online collaborative learning as a methodology.

Keywords: Learning, collaborative learning, online learning, cooperative learni


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