DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL16.14

Authors: Siew Lee CHANG, Priscilla SHAK, Natalie Ann GREGORY

Abstract:Using technology in language learning is not an unfamiliar practice in the 21st century. The use of video technology in language classrooms has brought many advantages. As pronunciation is by far one of the most important parts of language learning, it is necessary to study the students’ perception on the use of instructional pronunciation video (IPV) in improving their pronunciation. The aim of the study is to examine students’ perception on: (1) whether the Instructional Pronunciation Video (IPV) helped in improving their pronunciation, (2) the ways in which the IPV is useful in enhancing pronunciation, and (3) the problems faced in using the IPV. It is a qualitative study where 20 students were interviewed after using the IPV in pronunciation learning. The NVivo qualitative data analysis indicated that students have positive perceptions towards the use of IPV in improving their pronunciation. They found that the demonstration of how the sounds are being pronounced, flexibility of use, customized content, and diagram of tongue placement in the IPV are features that are useful in helping to improve their pronunciation.  Except for some technical issues, students find the IPV user-friendly. This study suggests the inclusion of IPV either in or outside language classrooms to help students with low oral proficiency to address their pronunciation problems through both individual and group learning.

Keywords: instructional pronunciation video; pronunciation; students’ perception


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