DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL13.70
Authors: Niraj Pandya
This paper will evaluate current trends in the field of education specifically technologies used in class rooms. Further to the trends, paper will also discuss any positive outcomes or challenges faced by student teachers for using technologies in to their learning and/or their teaching practices. Technology and digital media has changed learning methods immensely across the world. Technologies facilitate student teachers to incorporate effective pedagogies in to their teaching such as creativity, originality, entertainment and achieving their desired outcomes. (Churches, A.) Student teachers have been found going more digital friendly in their classroom recently. Use of Moodles, Vokis and smart boards has increased in Australian classrooms. (Johnson, et al., 2013)This has created a very interesting learning environment however saying that not all the student teachers seem enjoying them. According to a survey conducted by Department Of Education Western Australia, 2013, has exhibit that around 28{6e6090cdd558c53a8bc18225ef4499fead9160abd3419ad4f137e902b483c465} of student teachers prefer to use more of traditional teaching incorporating white board, brain storming etc. Supporting these findings, Lam P. and Tong. A,(2012) consider technology as a distraction in the classroom. This paper will further explore both positive and negative impact of use of technology by student teachers.