DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.94
Authors: Liwei Hsu, Weiyao Hsu, Jinpin Chen
Abstract: The present study was designed to explore the application of computer-supported collaborative learning in hospitality adeucation from the perspective of learners' personality traits. fortry-two (N=42)hospitality students were willing to participate in this research project and they were asked to fill out the NEO-FEI Personality Inventory Short Form to investigate each participant's major personality trait. With the administration of Cluster Analysis, All the particapants were clustered into five different groups on the basis of their personality trait. Results of this study showed that 55{6e6090cdd558c53a8bc18225ef4499fead9160abd3419ad4f137e902b483c465}of participants were agreeableness followed by extroversion learners(29{6e6090cdd558c53a8bc18225ef4499fead9160abd3419ad4f137e902b483c465}). openness, conscientiousness and neuroticism learners altogether comprised 16{6e6090cdd558c53a8bc18225ef4499fead9160abd3419ad4f137e902b483c465} of the total number. In light of participants' engagements (passive invlvements) and contributions ( active involvements) in the ativites of CSCL, extraversion participants made the most engagements ( 8651 times) as well as thi contributions (2653words of meaningful inputs) while neuroticism participants made the least ones(2312 engagements and 135 words of meaningful inputs)
Keywords: CSCL, Big Five Personality Traits, Cluster Analysis, Hospitality Education