DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL13.16

Authors: Sarunya Tarat, Dr. Usaporn Sucaromana and Dr. Sirinan Srinaowaratt

This study examined the balanced literacy approach for teaching phonemic awareness of English to young EFL students. Two groups of the first grade students were taught for eight weeks. The first group as the experimental group was taught using the balanced literacy approach which focused on teaching the correspondences between sounds and letters along with the meaning of words. The other group as the control group was taught using the code emphasis approach which only focused on teaching the relationship between written and spoken language. The results showed that students who were taught by the balanced literacy approach produced significantly greater gains on phonemic awareness of English, compared to students taught using the code emphasis approach. Observations of student engagement for the two groups were also identified.

Keywords: phonemic awareness, young children, EFL students, balanced literacy approach, code emphasis approach, engagement


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