DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL18.124

Authors: Yang Yang, Fangjing Ning, Tingting Zhu, TSEDEN- ISH BAYARMAA and Ning Ma

Abstract: With the development of the Augmented Reality (AR), quite a lot of applications and discussions about AR are booming in the field of education. However, AR applications encountered many challenges in practice, especially from teachers. Whether teachers are willing to accept AR education applications is related to the further development of AR education. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) is widely used in education field due to its high explanatory power of accepting behavior. The four core variables proposed by UTAUT, such as performance expectation, effort expectation, social influence and facilitating conditions, provide theoretical support for the analysis of teachers' influence on the acceptability of new technologies. Based on UTAUT, the mature scale was used in this study to measure the acceptance of K-12 teachers for three different main types of AR applications, which are applications for presenting information, applications for carrying out experiments, and applications for increasing interests. Through 111 valid questionnaires, the findings suggest that teachers’ behavioral intentions to adopting AR applications for increasing interests are lower than other two types of AR applications, which offer suggestions for future developments and teaching processes.

Keywords: augmented reality; the Unified Theory of Acceptance
and Use of Technology; behavioral intentions; three main types of
AR applications


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