DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.67
Authors: Nantana Ratchalerm, Asst. Prof. Dr. Teerachain Nedtanomsak
Abstract: The development of learning process on local history: a case Study of Ban-Nonpodaeng junior high school in Loei province was a participatory action research collaboratively conducted by 5 parties : researcher, teacher, community, school administrator, and local organizations. Its main objectives were: to promote student development by using a learning process on local history; and to analyze and synthesize the information on the local history of Ban-Nonpodaeng community.The study was divided into 4 stages : 1) studying the preliminary information of the school and the community ; 2) developing learning process ; 3)synthesizing and rearranging the information of the local history; and 4) studying the changes found in the people concerned.
The first and the second stages of the study were conducted. It was found that Ban-Nonpodaeng community was established about 100 years ago. The area was full of Po daeng (Peninsular; scientific name, Sterculia guttata Roxb.. The former group settling down in the area was ‘Thai Loei’. They consisted of 8 families. Later, there were more other different groups from other areas had moved to work and live there. The community became bigger and had been through all kinds of conflicts and problem solutions from time to time. In terms of the development of learning process, Thai language and Technology were integrated into the learning unit lesson plan to promote students’ learning skill.
Learning activities were adjusted to suit the community’s schedule. As a result, the time for some activities was extended longer than planned. This yielded benefit for the teacher in learning for more understanding on the methodology of participatory action research which was helpful for the teacher to conduct her classroom researchin parallel.
The students were happy with learning activities, gained more skill of appropriate communication, and had higher sense of community ties.
Keywords: local history; learning process; learning process on local history; Ban Nonpodaeng junior high school