DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.63

Authors: Nattaya Latoontherakool

Abstract: There are four phases: phase1 Preparation of Development. The Cooperative among community and Primary Educational Service Area Phase2 Development Making text 1 Documentary SystemMaking Text2 System Handbook Phase3 Investigate the results of Teacher’s ability. The authentic outcomes of Teachers’ Ability Phase4 Investigate the system of Student’s achievement The Learning Outcomes using 5 Subjects Standardized TestThe first phase of implementation: The development of quality assurance to standard learning unit The objectives investigate the condition of development of quality assurance to standard learning unit. Research time is from 1 March to 31 May 2012The first findings: The teachers of Nong Phai Pittayakom School and Ban Wa School have involved the implementation starting attend seminar on development of quality assurance to standard learning unit and community involvement. The school board have been increasing their awareness toward the system of quality assurance to standard learning unit.

Keywords: Quality Assurance,Standardize Learning Unit,Alignment Curriculum,Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 5


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