DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.118
Authors: Satjatam Porntaweekul, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sarintip Raksasataya.
Abstract: This paper aims to develop the reflective thinking instructional model to build up the reflective thinking process of student teacher. The third year students at Roi-et Rajabhat university were participated in this action research. The data were collected through documents review, observation, interview, journal writing, and focus group discussion and analyzed through content analysis technique. The findings revealed that the reflective thinking instructional model demonstrated five following stages: (1) Rethinking (2) Strengthen Learning Experiences (3) Selecting Practical Way (4) Presenting and Sharing, and (5) Reviewing and Reflecting.
Keywords: Instructional Model; Reflective Thinking; School Internship