DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.115

Authors: Surasee Jansangsri

Abstract: AbstractThe purposes of this research were1 to develop an English writing instructional model using reflective thinking and metacognitive strategies for upper secondary school students 2 to study effectiveness of English writing instructional model. The research was conducted in 3 phases: phase1 constructing a draft of an English writing instructional model using reflective thinking and metacognitive strategies for upper secondary school students which consisted of 4 steps;contextual study, conceptual study, drafting develop an English writing instructional model, and checking content validity of an English writing instructional model. Phase 2 to develop the efficiencyof an English writing instructional model by using action research.Phase 3to evaluate and confirm an English writing instructional model;the researcher used experimental designone group pretest-posttest design.

Keywords: English Writing Instructional Model; Reflective Thinking; Metacognitive Strategies.


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