DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL16.4

Authors: Dr Julia Lawrence, Karen Low & Joanna Phan

Abstract:The need for teachers to undertake continuing professional development, specifically in relation to reflecting on their own practice, across their teaching career is identified as a core requirement to ensure high quality teaching and learning (Danielson, 2010; Belvis, Pineda, Armengol and Moreno, 2013; Farrell, 2014). Models of reflection vary according to individual researchers (Dewey, 1933; van Mann, 1977; Schön, 1983; Day, 1993; Tsangaridou and O’Sullivan, 1994; Stanley, 1998) but predominantly focus on categories and levels of reflection, with the teacher’s ability to reflect changing over time based on their experiences and the support provided.
The aim of the study was to review the impact of a high intensity observation programme on a group of teachers with differing levels of experience and its impact on their planning, teaching and level of reflection. Six teachers from two contrasting schools experienced an intensive 4 week observation schedule which included the use of a Video Enhanced Observation (VEO) tool (VEO Group, 2016) to stimulate post lesson discussions and reflections.
Results indicated that all participants had experienced positive changes in their approaches to reflection, resulting in increased confidence and a willingness to adopt new approaches within their teaching. Level of experience was seen to have an impact on the categories of reflection, with more experienced teachers reflecting against situational rather than technical aspects. The adoption of a structured questioning protocol provided a clear framework against which participants could focus their responses. This was further enhanced through the use of VEO to draw upon specific examples from within the lesson, allowing participant the opportunity to use stimulated recall to provide further depth to their responses.

Keywords: component; Physical education, Observation, Reflection.


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