DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL18.137

Authors: Shangpeng Ji, Ruochen Zhao, Jiajun Zou and Ning MA

Abstract: As a new trend in teaching models and learning approaches, blended learning is becoming more and more popular in the higher education. To promote the learning effect or outcomes of the college students, online learning activities and blended learning environments were designed in many types of research. Learning participation and knowledge building levels were important factors to reflect the learning effect of the learners. In this study, content analysis and correlation analysis were acted out to explore the learning participation and knowledge building levels of college students based on the online learning activities of 50 students who attended a blended learning course. The findings indicated that the collaborative blended environment was reflective, social learning behaviors and knowledge building levels.

Keywords: knowledge building; online learning; blended learning environments; collaborative learning


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