DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL17.55

Authors: Diana Ruei-Jen Fan, Paul Juinn-Bing Tan


This brief article presents the initial development of psychotherapy and counselling in Taiwan, followed by the introduction of art therapy in Taiwan, with a focus on the retrospect and prospect of art therapy in Taiwan. This paper contributes to the literature by highlighting the achievements of the Taiwan Art Therapy Association, reviewing the efforts that have been made toward mental health in Taiwanese society, and providing micro-perspectives on art therapy in Taiwan. The methodology of this paper is a literature review. It is necessary for us to stay current with the progress of the global profession of art therapy. We must overcome cultural differences in the style of art education, religion, and the credential authentication system. Due to the many complicated issues that are faced in Taiwan, people may suffer from emotional or psychological problems. Therefore, the study and practice of art therapy as a means of improving mental health in Taiwan demands our immediate attention.

Keywords: component; Art therapy in Taiwan, Taiwan Art Therapy Association, Art therapy


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