DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL17.54

Authors: Huiyu Zhang and Linda Fang


This study reviewed the use of infocommunication technology (ICT) to improve the learning and teaching of 75-hour Human Anatomy to second-year Biomedical Engineering Diploma students at Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore. These were in the form of interactive e-learning lessons, game-mode quizzes, online topical reviews and mind-maps for five topics, spanning six weeks. The effectiveness of these e-learning lessons and activities were evaluated using Kirkpatrick’s first two levels of learning. These were first, the extent the learners find the ICT-enabled e-lessons and e-activities engaging and relevant; and second, the degree to which they acquired the intended learning outcomes. Data were collected from 80 students between April to July 2016, through surveys and formative assessment performances. The findings showed that students perceived the interactive e-learning lessons as engaging and improved their motivation to learn. They also scored better than their predecessors for their Term Test.

Keywords: e-activities, engagement, e-learning, human anatomy, interactive lessons, motivation


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