DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL14.45

Authors: Chao-Hsiu Chen, Tse-Wei Chiang


The authors developed the interface prototype of a mobile system to support Taiwanese student teachers’ learning and work. To evaluate the usability of the system prototype, methods including think aloud, questionnaires, interviews, and observations were employed to collect data. The evaluation consists of expert evaluation and user testing. In the expert evaluation, three experts provided suggestions regarding interface display, system operations, photo records, and online help. Twelve student teachers participated in the user testing, and they raised issues regarding layout design, message display, and taking pictures with mobile devices. Moreover, according to results of the QUIS questionnaires of the two-stage evaluation, the expert evaluation did help the authors improve the interface design, and the student teachers considered the mobile system highly usable but they also indicated the system could be further improved.

Keywords: teacher education, student teaching, student teachers, mobile learning, human-computer interaction


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