DOI: 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.98
Authors: Najat Smeda, Eva Dakich, Nalin Sharda
Abstract: Digital storytelling is an innovative pedagogical approach that can engage both students and teachers, helping them tap into the power of digital technologies and contribute to more engaged teaching and learning. This paper presents an overview of a research project which aims to explore the pedagogical benefits of digital storytelling. It describes how to create constructivist learning environments with digital storytelling. The paper started with an overview of digital storytelling, and its pedagogical benefits in the classrooms. The paper also introduces the e-Learning Digital Storytelling framework (eLDiSt), and concludes with an overview of the research methodology, with a brief introduction to each stage of the research, focusing on the digital story workshop, and explains teachers’ roles and students’ tasks.
Keywords: Digital Storytelling; Student engagement; constructivist learning environments.