DOI: 10.5176/2251-2449_HRM&PD12.16
Authors: Hui-Ling Tung, Yan-Cing Li and Kuo-Ye Chen
Abstract: Drawing on role theory, we provide a parsimonious structure for integrating a wide range of constructs in response to the increasing interdependence and uncertainty in work environment. Interdependence in a work context determines to what extent work roles are embedded within a broader social system. Uncertainty determines whether work roles emerge through adaptive and proactive behavior. Cross-classification of task and team member behaviors with proficiency, adaptivity, and proactivity produce six subdimensions of work role performance. Sample data from 26 work units of Chunghwa Telecom and government in Taiwan will be collected from employees and their supervisors. The results showed that (1) role clarity has a positive impact on individual task proficiency; (2) team support has a positive impact on team member proficiency, team member adaptivity and team member proactivity; (3) openness to change has a positive impact on individual task adaptivity and team member adaptivity; (4) role breadth self-efficacy has a positive impact on individual task proactivity and team member proactivity.
Keywords: adaptivity behavior, proactivity behavior, role clarity, openness to change, role breadth self-efficacy, team support