DOI: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRMPD13.34

Authors: Gloria Davis-Cooper

Abstract: This paper reports on a study conducted on the public services of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago that evaluated the impact of capacity building and developmental outcomes of employees‟ performances. The findings revealed that capacity building and developmental outcomes would be advanced if appropriate organization structures, compensation policies and effective Human Resource Management (HRM) systems were implemented. The study therefore examined the main elements of capacity building which affected developmental outcomes such as structural reorganization, employee performance management systems, compensation and compensation related policies. The conclusion was drawn that the findings of this study would assist government bureaucracies in the areas of policy formulation, policy implementation and policy evaluation of Human Resource Management (HRM) policies in the workplace. The methodology used in the study consisted of „Elite interviews‟ and discussions conducted with senior public sector officers; senior personnel of the International Development Agencies such as Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), and the World Bank; Human Resource Management Consultants such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and KPMG Peat Marwick and Associates; Representatives of staff associations and finally, ministers of government in Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago. The study culminated in the development of a capacity building model to guide public bureaucrats in managing their human resources. The model consisted of five key dimensions – (1) structural reorganization; (2) compensation related elements; (3) compensation/base pay; (4) human resource development and (5) employee performance management.

Keywords: Capacity Building, Developmental Outcomes, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago


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