DOI: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRM&PD17.17

Authors: Chiung Yi Huang, Jia Chi Huang

Abstract: teamwork and coordination of expertise among team members with different backgrounds are increasingly recognized as important for team effectiveness. To establish the ecological validity and generality of the transactive memory system (TMS) research findings, this study sampled 484 members and 77 team leaders of 77 teams from a variety of organizational settings in Taiwan and examined the relationship between group affect tone, TMS, team performance, and team creativity. Results showed that positive group affective tone is positive related to TMS, whereas negative group affective tone is negative related to TMS. Further, TMS showed a positive effect on team performance and team creativity. In the mediating role of TMS, the result revealed that TMS has mediated the relationship between positive group affective tone and team performance, and the relationship between negative group affective tone and team performance. This research has further contribution to TMS theory and group affective tone in teams.

Keywords: team transactive memory systems, group affective tone, team performance, team creativity


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