DOI: 10.5176/2251-2449_HRM&PD12.50
Authors: Alamuri Suryanarayana
Abstract: HR is an important player in the business and a principal dimension of the HR role is to enable the enterprise to manage change, transformation, and enhance its competitiveness. HR managers are expected to demonstrate the ability to be chief players in driving business strategy. In this context, they do have a principal role in leveraging talent management as a source of unique competitive advantage and also in enhancing value creation. It is noticed generally that things change dramatically when HR professionals see their role through the lens of the strategic challenges of the business as against that of people dimension. In this Paper, an attempt has been made, from an academic perspective, to showcase HR as a key player in the business, just as integral as Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, or Operations, and in this process, to demonstrate that HR has the potential to add enormous value to the business as well.