DOI: 10.5176/2251-2449_HRM&PD12.17

Authors: Vesa Routamaa and Jianyu Ou

Abstract: It is supposed that national culture of certain countryreflects also management culture of the country. In consequence,managers’ personality type distributions are also seen to vary indifferent cultural contexts. However, global competition setchallenges for nations and companies to try to lead the way. Thatis the recruitments of managers both national and company levelsare the most strategic decision. In this study, managers’personality type structures are compared in three differentcultures, which are represented by China, Sweden and USA.Numerous significant statistical type differences between thecultures were found reflecting also cultural differences inmanagement type structures. That means that at a company aswell as a national level might be need to reassess the managers’recruitment in global economy.
Keywords: cultures, managers, personality types


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