DOI: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRM&PD15.23

Authors: Yi-Chun Lin and Si-Yi Lee


Globalization increase the labor mobility provided many opportunities to work oversea for people’s desire. People who go abroad for their own sake is called ―self-initiated expatriates‖ (SIEs); whereas, people who sent by their home company is ―Organizational expatriates‖ (OEs). This study elucidates the motivation factors which based on the intrinsic – extrinsic theory. This study offers some motivation factors of expatriates such as family/spouse consideration, job condition, and the regional interest. The effect on three facets of cross-cultural adjustment is also explored. Therefore, the purpose of this study reveals the detail about the motivation factors on both types of expatriates (SIEs and OEs) who are white-collar knowledge workers related to the three facets of cross-cultural adjustment.

Keywords: motivations; cross-cultural adjustment; organizational expatriates; self-initiated expatriates; in-extrinsic theory


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