DOI: 10.5176/2251-2039_IE1232

Authors: Stephen E. Cross

Abstract: The Georgia Institute of Technology has been aneconomic engine in the Southeast United States since its foundingin 1885. Over the past 30 years, it has become known as one ofthe top technological universities in the world. As part of astrategic planning effort commenced in mid-2009, it sought tostrengthen its thought leadership and impact through thedevelopment and implementation of an innovation ecosystemstrategy. The Institute serves as the integrating focus within itsregion to promote (and provoke) disruptive thought, use-inspiredresearch, experimentation, and accelerated implementationthrough novel educational, research, and industry partnershipprograms. In less than 30 months, significant benefits have beenrealized. This paper describes the innovation ecosystem strategy,examples of new programs, the benefits, and the lessons learned

Keywords: innovation, ecosystem, university-industrycollaboration,entrepreneurial university


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