DOI: 10.5176/2251-3809_LRPP17.27

Authors: Jean Monnet


One very promising development in the twenty-first century is the empowerment of citizens on issues of common concern such as climate change, sustainable energy, and international trade. Citizens’ empowerment means that civil society can play an important role in the new challenges of trade diplomacy, such as the integration of noneconomic aspects of trade in trade policy and the inclusion of trade policies in the democratic debate. This approach makes the system of decision making closer to the citizens and therefore less technocratic. This novel idea of greater citizen participation, engendered by citizens’ empowerment, is a promising way of providing better management of environmental issues and helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Moving forward, citizens must contribute to finding more effective ways to obtain sustainable energy, mitigate climate change, and develop a more democratic and transparent trade policymaking process. This paper will show several specific means by which citizens can ostensibly help enhance sustainable energy initiatives, mitigate climate change, and make citizens richer through free and open environmental trade.

Keywords: component; formatting; common concern; public goods; climate change; sustainable energy; international trade; citizens.


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