DOI: 10.5176/2251-3809_LRPP19.174
Authors: Dr Mohammad Abdul Hannan
Abstract: Inter governmental and national measures towards prevention of HIV/ AIDS epidemic in prisons signify the recognition of the threat by world communities. This is particularly important because prisoners are integral part of societies and most of them are released at some point after they spend their convicted duration. Then they adhere to direct contact with the society which make the society in its entirety, extremely vulnerable towards HIV and related infections in particular, spouses, drug users of the same syringe, sex partners and other groups. But in Bangladesh, prevention remained a challenge inside prisons since adopted policies did not meet realistic implementation though several Human Rights documents adhered by the country should have ensured more organized and better securities to prisoners. This is not only detrimental for physical and mental health of the prisoners, violation of international law and Bangladesh Constitution. Ailing prison governance promotes risk behaviours like injecting drug use and anal sex, which does not guarantee the preservance of low prevalence throughout the country. It is the demand of time to bring reforms in jail regulation, facilitation of meaningful treatments, dissemination of knowledge of HIV vulnerability among prisoners and so on
Keywords: HIV, AIDS, prisoners, rights, violation, vulnerability, prevention, reform, sex, drug, behaviour.