DOI: 10.5176/978-981-08-9266-1_mobicona09

Authors: Chun-Chuan Yang, Yi-Ting Mai, Jeng-Yueng Chen and Yu-Shiuan Shen


Previous works in IEEE 802.16e power saving mainly focused on standard Type I or Type II power saving class. The limitation of adopting Type I or Type II was discussed in our previous work, and the idea of applying traffic modeling and measurement called Load-Based Power Saving (LBPS) was proposed. The base station in LBPS measures the traffic load and estimates the sleep window size for mobile subscriber stations by setting a threshold for data accumulation. Based on the previously proposed protocol LBPS-Aggr, an enhanced protocol called LBPS-Split is proposed in the paper, in which the MSSs are clustered in the schedule for better power saving performance. Simulation results demonstrate that better power saving efficiency can be achieved significantly by LBPS-Split than LBPS-Aggr.

Keywords: Power Saving, Sleep Schedule, IEEE 802.16e


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