DOI: 10.5176/2251-225X_MobiCONA1234

Authors: Jen-I Yang and Jenn-Kaie Lain

The multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) technology iswidely used in various wireless communication systems, it has theadvantages of high bandwidth efficiency, in a multi-path channelenvironment can provide high-speed and reliable communicationstransmission. However, the MIMO-OFDM system inherits fromOFDM systems the drawback of high peak-to-average powerration (PAPR) of the transmitted signal. This study presents anew dynamic tone injection (DTI) method to reduce the PAPRof MIMO-OFDM system. The proposed DTI PAPR reduction ofMIMO-OFDM system can be formulated as a parameter optimizationproblem over a multi-dimensional real space, and solvedby the real-valued genetic algorithm (RVGA) method. Simulationresults show that proposed RVGA dynamic tone injection methodobtains the PAPR reduction with low computational complexity.
Keywords: multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing, Tone Injection, peak-to-averagepower ratio, real-valued genetic algorithm.


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