Maintaining Web Applications by Translating Among Different RIA Technologies
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Authors: Tomokazu Hayakawa, Shinya Hasegawa, Shota Yoshika and Teruo Hikita
On Document Management Systems
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Authors: Sabah Al-Fedaghi, Abdullah Al-Osaimi and AbdulAziz Al-Azmi
Optimization Modeling Framework Using the Libraries of the Constraint and Objective Function Pool
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Authors: Junho Lee, Jinsoo Choi, Sunhoon Kim, and Young Hoon Lee
Project Performance Measurement System Using an Agent Technology
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Authors: Yusmadi Yah Jusoh, Mostafa Farshchi, Noraini Che Pa and Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad
Reconfigurable Service Oriented Architecture for Service Robots- Challenges and Issues
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Authors: S. Veera Ragavan, SG. Ponnambalam and Velappa Ganapathy
Requirements Engineering for Cloud Computing
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Authors: Stefan Wind and Holger Schrödl
Reusable Classes in Designing of Mathematical Models in the Parallel Computing
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Authors: Igor Kopetschke, Klara Cisarova and Dalibor Frydrych
Service Oriented Architecture and Modelling (SOAM)– A formal approach
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Authors: Shrabani Mallick, Dharmender Singh Kushwaha