Weather Effects on Energy Generation of Silicon Solar Panels in Coastal Regions
DOI: 10.5176/2251-189X_SEES13.47
Authors: Xueyan Li, Theodore Putra Prawiradiraja, Dilip Battul, Haifeng Wang, Chun Zhang
Wind-powered Desalination plant in Persian Gulf Islands
DOI: 10.5176/2251-189X_SEES13.13
Authors: Akbar Adibfar, Khalil Behbahani & Elham Shirkhodaee Tari
XANES and EXAFS analyses of CeO2-ZrO2 composite powders with oxygen storage capacity for automotive catalyst
DOI: 10.5176/2251-189X_SEES19
Authors: Yosuke Takahashi, Yuuki Yamada, Yasunori Ando, Sumihito Sago, Tomotoshi Hattori, Masaaki Haneda and Masakuni Ozawa