A Pilot Study of Early Postnatal Late Preterm and Term Breastfeeding Patterns using Surface Electromyography
DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC16.49
Authors: Rebecca Birch Tsusaki, Pedro Mancias, Duck-Hee Kang, Nikhil Padhye, Diane Wind Wardell
A Review of Flexible Management for Patients with Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF): The Implementation of Post Discharge Rapid Response Teams (RRTs)
DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC17.138
Authors: Muhammad Afiq Roslim, John Costello
A Single Case Study of the Advanced Practice Nurse Role in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Management
DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC17.57
Authors: Zhijing Xu, Frances Kam Yuet Wong, Haiou Xia, Kirsten N. Corazzini, Yuting Song
A Study of Village Health Volunteers’ Participation in Elderly Care for Senior People Suffering from Chronic Coughing in Donwan Sub-district in Muang District of Maha Sarakham Province
DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC14.33
Authors: Phadoongsit Chamnanborirak and Kittisak Kraichan
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Life Style Modifications with Teaching among Diabetic Patients Who Attend Diabetic Clinics at Chennai A study to assess the quality of life (life style modifications) among diabetic mellitus patients
DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC14.97
Authors: Dr.Sudhakar Dayalan and Mrs.R.NimmiSudhakar
A Survey: Knowledge about Breast Cancer and Health Beliefs Towards Screening Practice among Menopausal and Postmenopausal Women
DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC17.30
Authors: Wong MF Florence, Cheng LS Winnie
A Systematic Review about Health of Women Immigrants by Marriage in Korea
DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC15.113
Authors: Tiffany Kim, Jeong-Ah Ahn, Ju-Eun Song, Eun-Ha Rho and Myung-Sun Hyun
A.B.C.Delirium: Fighting the Dysfunction Head On The journey of clinical nurse led change at the bedside
DOI: 10.5176/2315-4330_WNC16.41
Authors: Kaitlyn A. Gregory, Erin Longstreth-Papsun, Ashley Moyer-Shaub, Allyson Lloret