DOI: 10.5176/2425-0112_UPPD15.20

Authors: Bruce Frankel and Matthew Nowlin, MURP

Abstract:A new theory of community development targeting is promoted that centers on selecting the best neighborhoods for redevelopment, which relies on favorable conditions in adjoining neighborhoods and a systematic strategy of moving proximately from an area of investment toward an area of disinvestment. A forty-year history of such targeting under the Federal Community Development Block Grant confirms this theory by the metrics of rapidly advancing property values in targeted areas [Neighborhood Redevelopment Strategy Areas, NRSA] relative to a control group of non-targeted neighborhoods and the city as a whole. The generalized results indicate that a critical mass of vacant and abandoned properties to be redeveloped in order to induce private investment constitutes a third of all such properties. Public investment at $100,000 or more each year for three consecutive years appears to also induce private investment. Neighborhood of disinvestment adjoining those of investment provide the single most significant criteria for effective selection. A GIS program is constructed and herein demonstrated to make data mining in regard to selecting targeted neighborhoods for reinvestment user-friendly, and serving the requirements for both lay stakeholders and professional planners. That demonstration is applied to Indianapolis neighborhoods.

Keywords: Indianapolis Community Metrics, Neighborhood Redevelopment Strategy Areas, AICP Code of Ethics, targeting community development, User-friendly GIS, neighborhoods of disinvestment


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