GSTF Journal on Education (JEd) (ISSN: 2345-7163)

Social and educational inclusion of immigrant’s adolescents in Spanish Educational System: an outstanding pedagogical challenge

DOI: 10.5176/2345-7163_2.1.49

Authors: Juan Fernández Sierra, Susana Fernández Larragueta and Monia Rodorigo

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Social Science Teachers’ perspective, purposes and benefits of the Cybermuseum VIRGO 1.1 as a cognitive tool for learning history

DOI: 10.5176/2345-7163_2.1.39

Authors: M. P. Rivero and H. Flores-Hole

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Teachers and Technology: A Complicated Relationship

DOI: 10.5176/2345-7163_2.1.44

Authors: Pedro Brás, Guilhermina Lobato Miranda and João Marôco

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