A Study Touch Comfortable Sensation of Bike Handlebar from Cognitive Psychology
DOI: 10.5716/978-981-08-9493-1_IE31
Authors: Tai-Shen Huang and Li-Ting Hsu
Acquiring knowledge with innovation value in the B-to-B sector
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2039_IE17.15
Authors: Oliver Wiesener, Sophia Christmann
Analysis of The Shape of The Road Bike Affecting Riding Comfort
DOI: 10.5716/978-981-08-9493-1_IE32
Authors: Tai-Shen Huang, Jay Huang and Yi-Hung Lai
Assessment of the Impact of Innovation on the Entrepreneurial Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Osun State , Nigeria
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2039_IE17.17
Authors: Omisore S. Akinyosoye M.O., Akinbami C.A.O., Jiboye T. F, Obisanya J. F
Building Customer Value in Health Care Networks
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2039_IE15.7
Authors: Justyna Matysiewicz, Izabela Sztangret and Slawomir Smyczek