Arsenic Pollution in Shour River and Groundwater at Rafsanjan Plain
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Authors: Jafar Rahnamarad, Reza Derakhshani and Motahare Ebrahimi
Assessment of Seismic Hazard of the Kalam-Ashrit Dam, Swat, Pakistan Seismic hazard analysis of Kalam-Ashrit Dam, Pakistan
DOI: 10.5176/2251-3353_GEOS14.18
Authors: Perveiz Khalid, Shahid Ghazi, Qamar Yasin, Shahzada Khurram
Assessment of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Soil Salinity using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System in Libya
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Authors: Hamdi Zurqani, Bashir Nwer and Ezzdein Rhoma
Background values of potentially harmful metals from surface sediments of the Po Plain (Italy): A combined sedimentological and geochemical approach
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Authors: 10.5176/2251-3353_GEOS13.28
Biostratigraphy of Chorgali Formation, Bochal and Pir Makhdum Jahanian area, Central and Eastern Salt Range, Northern Pakistan
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Authors: Shahid Jamil Sameeni, Hafiz Muhammad Siddique, Rabia Imtiaz, Sara Sikandar,
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Carbonation of a portland cement under geological conditions
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Authors: Thomas Millan, Eric Lécolier, Teddy Parra, Bernard Guy, Jacques Moutte
Comparing Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Soil Layer from Sag Pond near Lembang Fault, West Java, Indonesia
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Authors: Mimin Iryanti, Satria Bijaksana, Wahyu Srigutomo and Tedy Setiawan
Computed microtomography and microhardness core sample tests in analysis of various fluids interaction with unconventional reservoir rock samples
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Authors: Michał Maksimczuk, Tomasz Wejrzanowski, Maciej Spychalski