Corporate Reporting on Sustainable Practices in Different Organizations: A Survey (With Special Reference to Selected Private Sector and Public Sector Corporate Units in Odisha)
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRM&PD14
Authors: Dr. Ipseeta Satpathy, D.Litt, Dr. B.C.M.Patnaik
Critical Success Factors for Home-based Call Centers: a South Korean Study
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2449_HRM&PD12.16
Authors: Suh, Chang Juck and Kim, Hyo Jeong
Crossover of Work-Family Experiences Crossover of work-family conflict and facilitation among supervisor-subordinate dyads
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRM&PD15.17
Authors: Pavithra Sampath and Rupashree Baral
Effects of Guanxi and Faction on OCB: Two Sides of the Chinese Traditional Values
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRM&PD15.4
Authors: Yu-Ling Ho, Chun-Yuan Huang, Hsin-Yi Lee and Liang-Hung Lin
Enunciating the skills development challenge facing South Africa
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRM&PD41
Authors: Maelekanyo Christopher Tshilongamulenzhe
Examining the Factors Influencing HR Outsourcing
DOI: 10.5176/2251-2349_HRM&PD24
Authors: Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad and T Ramayah